This colorful small studio apartment located in Lensovetovskij near Saint Petersburg, Russia uses white walls and splashes of bright colors to enlarge the space and enhance its aesthetic appeal.
Chic Houseboat On Portage Bay
This chic houseboat on Portage Bay in Seattle, Washington enjoys expansive views while floating on Lake Union.
Decorating Tips: Use Bright Colors To Highlight Cozy Apartment
This renovated small apartment with a simple layout is enhanced by bright decorative colors. Turquoise, red and yellow are used to highlight the white background. It is easy to throw a bright colored pillow on a bed, or furnish the space with red or yellow chairs to add sizzle to a simple apartment.
Colourful Hip Apartment In 19th Century Building
Located in a charming 19th century building in Barcelona, Spain, this renovated apartment has a hip modern look that offers pleasant surprises. Area rugs serve as elements that divide the space. Nice touches such as a bookworm shelf and book shelves under the staircase are functional and unique.
Girl’s Room With Splashes of Pink
Traditional meets modern when classic interior decor is given bold pops of pink. Kevin Walsh of Bear-Hill Interiors created a classic bedroom suite for a young girl using patterned fabric and wallpaper by Thibaut blends with a silked checked fabric by Kravet. The playroom is enliven by pink accessories including pillows from John Robshaw Textiles and Pablo Mekis.
Honeysuckle – 2011 Colour Of The Year
Pantone named Honeysuckle (PANTONE 18-2120) colour of the year for 2011. This reddish pink colour is an uplifting dynamic colour that gives any room a burst of energy. You can use Honeysuckle to add intense elegance to a living room, or make a statement with it in the kitchen. This powerful and upbeat colour provides interior spaces with a lively flair.
Red Living Room Design Ideas
Red is a colour that some people find too overpowering for their living rooms. But it can be a very contemporary and elegant colour scheme against a white or light beige background. These living room designs give you some ideas on how to use red effectively.
How To Use Yellow To Highlight Your Living Room
Yellow can be a powerful yet soothing colour for a living room. You can use it to highlight a white background with cheerful results, or use it against black to enhance the elegance of a room. It also goes well with purple, or you can use it with light green to create a sunny atmosphere.